Tutustu päivän WOD:in. Listauksesta näet myös aiempien päivien WOD:it.


la 27.07.2024


5 power cleans (60/92,5 kg)
10 toes-to-bars

**Scaled WOD
AMRAP 10:**
5 power cleans
10 hanging knee raises

pe 26.07.2024

For load

**Shoulder press**
**Push press**
**Push jerk**
*– Record the heaviest load for each movement.*

to 25.07.2024


**Bar MU**

**E2MOM, 5 rounds**
1-7 bar MU
16-20 steps walking lunge

STRENGTH (Back squat)

Back squat 5x3
* -nouseva paino
-lepo 3-4min sarjojen välissä*

STRENGTH (box step up)

3x10 box step up
* -lepo 2-3min
-vakiopaino (2DB)
-lisää painoa edelliseen viikkoon*


**35min AMRAP**
20cal Ski
400m run/walk
20cal C2 Bike
400m run/walk
20cal Row
400m run/walk
20cal air bike
400m run/walk
* -tasainen RAUHALLINEN vauhti
-syke max 150bpm*

EasyWOD 25.7.2024

*E3MOM, 4rds, As super set*
Goblet squat w/ 2xKBs
Hollow hold 10-20s

*EMOM 9min*
1. Lunge 10-12
2. Plank shoulder tap 10-12
3. Up down 5-10

ke 24.07.2024

For Time

100 Burpee to plate
Ergo 100cal
Run 3,4 (2 kierrosta Hallipussia)
* -time cap 50min*

**Scaled WOD**
50 Burpee to plate
Ergo 70cal
Run/walk 1,7 ( kierros Hallipussia)
* -time cap 50min*

Salin perinteinen MiniTriathlon

**For time**
600m uinti (Tahiskalla)
19km bike
run 5,4km (3 kierrosta Hallipussia)
* -kaikki matkat skaalattavissa
-uinnin tilalle vaihtoehtona burpee
-minimi osallistujamäärä 8 henkilöä
-oma pyörä ja uima-asu mukaan*

ti 23.07.2024

3 rounds for time

20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 overhead squats (55/82,5 kg)

**Scaled WOD
3 rounds for time:**
15 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 overhead squats

ma 22.07.2024


5 rounds of AMRAP 3:**
3 power cleans (42,5/60 kg)
6 push-ups
9 air squats
*– Rest 1:00 between rounds.*

**Scaled WOD
5 rounds of AMRAP 3:**
3 power cleans
6 elevated push-ups
9 air squats
*– Rest 1:00 between rounds.*

EasyWOD 22.7.2024

*E3MOM, 4rds*
Strict pull up 6-8
matala tanko

*PariWOD: You go, I go
Amrap 14min*
WB Power Clean 16
WB 16
Sit up 16
Ergo 16cal

su 21.07.2024


**3 rounds for time**
800/1,000-m row
50 burpees
50 box jumps
800-m run
*– Partners break up the row, burpees, box jumps, and runs as needed one partner moves at a time*

la 20.07.2024

4 rounds for time

10 deadlifts (70/100 kg)
30 wall-ball shots 

**Scaled WOD
4 rounds for time:**
8 deadlifts
15 wall-ball shots